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On 4 December the small community of Lokaleng village, in Mothibistad, North West Province, gathered, in a tent at Ineeleng Primary School, to celebrate their new library.

It was a day of joy and celebration for everyone attending the opening of the 52nd Mandela Day Library, since the library signals a ray of hope for a better education for the children.

The launch reminds us that it was this time last year, 5 December, that we sadly received the news about the death of a great man, and national hero, Nelson Mandela.

The launch of this library celebrates his legacy and marks the first year of his departure.

Ineeleng Primary School has 164 learners from grades one to seven.

It was a great day for the school, and the entire community, as people came from far to witness the opening of the library.

The full-resourced library is a dream come true for the community.

The principal of the school, Mrs Moholoeng, a passionate and determined person, expressed her joy at having a library at the school and said the library is in good hands.

She also provided a history of the school, and the struggle she went through to get a school library. Moholoeng thanked Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS), the Nelson Mandela Foundation, and Breadline Africa for their contributions to the library.

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The children entertained the crowd, and expressed their happiness at having a library, with singing and dancing.

The event was attended by representatives of the Department of Basic Education, the Provincial District Library and Information Services, the School Governing Body, and a team from ATNS; Mulomoni Nesengani, Sduduzo Sphelele and Percy Morokane.

Nesengani spoke on behalf of the ATNS team and the office of their CEO.

He expressed ATNS great concern, passion and love in investing in the education of children in poor South African communities.

He also thanked the Nelson Mandela Foundation and Breadline Africa for coming up with the library initiative.

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